Rooted keeps Families together and partners with the local community
We help kids stay in families through our family preservation program, and partner with local community projects, and also assist the health center with medications, vaccines, and other needs.
Family Preservation Program
Our Family Preservation Program helps families at risk of separation start small businesses, which in turn help them send their kids to school, and put food on the table. Some of these businesses include a hair salon, a bakery, small markets, and even a local barbershop, and some families start small farms with our assistance.
Community and School Projects
In Honduras, school is free, but the supplies and uniforms are not, yet they are required for every student. Each year we provide more than 200 children in the community with the supplies necessary to attend school who would not otherwise be able to attend. Additionally, the community's school was in desperate need of new student and teachers desks, so we helped by donating 50 new student desks and 10 new teachers desks to give them a comfortable place to learn and work. We also assisted in putting up a wall around the school for added protection.
In 2023 we saw a huge opportunity to close the education gap. We partnered with the school to launch a new high school in the 2024 school year! The first class was 18 students (17 girls and 1 boy). The school was administratively approved by the Department of Education and awaits full government funding for 2025.
Health Center Partnership
Like many clinics in rural parts of Honduras, the local clinic we partner with is run by a few dedicated nurses, Dennis and Ana. Their supplies are super limited and often not enough to support the nearly 2000 people and 8 communities it is charged to serve. We help by providing enough medical and dental supplies to assist 900 people with medical and dental needs. We plan on expanding this partnership greatly in the future.